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    @mitu This makes sense. Oh well, I'm just glad it's not something I was doing wrong. Thank you!

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    Hi, I asked the developer of lr-caprice32 if he would add save states to the core and he has now kindly implemented them.


    You can enable this functionality by running the "update from source" option for lr-caprice32 under RetroPie setup.

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    @vahnxdean Login via SSH or get to a command prompt by closing Emulationstation. Open the File Manager (mc) and browse the /home/pi/RetroPie/roms folder, which will contain your ROMs and save states - under each system (nes, snes, etcc).
    Copy/move the saves (they have the .stateX extension, where X is a number) to a folder inside /home/pi/ - let's say /home/pi/saves.
    Configure the save states folder to be /home/pi/saves. This way the save folder will be on the SD card, but your ROMs will still stay on the USB HDD.
    The reason you're not seeing the ROMs from the SD card is that Windows doesn't know how to read the Linux partition on it, and you're only looking at the /boot partition, which only contains the bare minimum to start the RPI system (kernel files and device tree files).

  • save state issue, need help

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    shows how much of a noob i am haha. you are right i accidentally set the hot key to a. thanks alot.

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    @xdrak Sometimes you can't see for looking!
    It's a pretty obscure emulator, not sure a lot of people on here use it. I use it for DRAGON32.

  • 0 Votes
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    @ mitu Thanks a lot, it worked!

  • 1 Votes
    2 Posts

    Cool solution ;)

    I posted annother small script for such purposes here
    This creates a zip file for each rom and takes as backup the same folder as the rom located.

    It took annother branch instead of searching all files that "could" be a savestate I said, every file with same name except the ROM-name is a savefile.

    Thanks for this small script. I appreciate it :)

  • 0 Votes
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    Duhhhhhh... Solution is here.

    Can't delete this, but sorry for wasting server space...

    In case anyone searches this in the future...

    Go into ScummVM and navigate to Options >> Paths and change the path location to whatever you'd like. For me it was ./roms/ScummVM/saves/. To recover your previous saves, navigate to /opt/configs/retropie/ScummVM/saves/ with a program like Filezilla and copy them to the desktop then move them to your USB for example. Another option would be to, in the command line, use the mv -i /opt/retropie/configs/ScummVM/saves ./roms/ScummVM/saves/ for example.
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    I know this is late, but what are your settings to get HM64 to run?? I cannot for the life of me get it to even start.

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    @chipsnblip Sorry, thanks.

    Pi Model or other hardware: 3
    RetroPie Version Used 4.2
    Built From: Retropie Website
    USB Devices connected: keyboard and Xbox controller
    Controller used: Xbox controller
    File: LunarEternalBlue
    Emulator: lr-picodrive

  • 0 Votes
    16 Posts

    @mitu said in Creating Save States with a Single Button Press:

    pressing only Start should exit the game.

    My experience with (retropie 4.6) is that (luckily) it doesn't. Which at least for my purposes is good. Should this change at some future version, then if 'input_enable_hotkey =" and single press hotkeys are what's desired, then one would need to change that mapping in RetroArch configurations somewhere to avoid exiting emulator when Start is pressed. (it's almost like the old joke on Windows - you press start to to stop/exit ;-) ).

  • Save state failed

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    @Acidbased said in Save state failed:

    So I can't figure out how to get my save state to work. I have the buttons configured but when attempting it always says failed

    You do realize that you need to set up the save folders manually right? If you didn't set up the folder RPi doesn't know from which directory to load them from.

    You can do this very quick via SMB. If you;re on windows open the following file:


    The first two things you'll see are:

    . Save all save files (*.srm) to this directory. This includes related files like .bsv, .rtc, .psrm, etc ...
    . This will be overridden by explicit command line options.
    savefile_directory = "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/SAVE/SAVE_FILES/"

    . Save all save states (*.state) to this directory.
    . This will be overridden by explicit command line options.
    savestate_directory = "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/SAVE/SAVE_STATE/"

    In my example you see that I already added the paths of the folders. Just use the same paths as I did and save the file.

    Now we need to make the folders, open up the following directory:


    Create one folder and name it SAVE. Open up the SAVE folder and create two new folders. Name one SAVE_FILES and the other SAVE_STATE.

    So now you have one folder (SAVE) which includes two folders SAVE_FILES and SAVE_STATES. Keep in mind everything is case sensitive.

  • 0 Votes
    8 Posts

    Capeman : thanks for clearing that up, I didn't know that this was how it has always worked.

    dankcushions : I found the undo load state option but only after resetting and noticing the problem. It was obviously too late... well, now I know.

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    @Mobile.Rodri said in MAME Savestates not working in Retroarch:

    @illuminerdi I was able to save state using Lr-mame2003. I tried several games and all worked. I can try a specific game but it seems ok. I forgot to get my version, I'll double check when I get to the train, but it's relatively recent. I updated right around Christmas.

    It worked for me too with Neo Geo games with the emulator you mentioned. I don't use them when I play arcade games, you basically have unlimited coins in most games one coin is equal to 1 credit/life. You beat the majority of the games within a hour.

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    best way is on topic tools change to ask as question, then you can mark as solved (I have done this)

  • save states

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    @naddel81 there's no upper bound. My suggestion is to go back to the slot 1 when you reach the slot 20 (TBH I'm not sure if it will overwrite the existent states, but you should try).

    The default hotkey to decrease the save slot is select+left.

    And please, consider that topic renaming. ;-)

  • 4 Votes
    6 Posts

    After reading both yours and Rookervik's explanation, I think I understand a bit more of the relationships between the various programs/scripts and that I should fiddle around more with RetroPie to see how everything works together. Seems like implementing a save state UI is more complex than I imagined, not that it wasn't already complicating enough. Just testing a moment ago, I realized that saving to the same slot with lr-picodrive and lr-genesis-plus-gx cores for the Sega Master System would overwrite the same file because they save to the same folder by default which also brings its own problems.

    When I was thinking about an alternative way of exiting the controller setup, I was recalling how I would usually configure inputs in PC games and some emulators and the immediacy of being able to back out if desired which was why I suggested the button combo. However, having an exit based on a timer does sound simpler to understand than the button combo. This feels like both would need to be implemented and tested to see which could be better. I think the relevant file would be GuiDetectDevice.cpp so I'll look into that when I have the time.

    I guess if it had to be a specific button combo, it would be any button plus the directional key Up and hope that people would associate that with going up a folder in a file explorer or going back up to the menu haha

  • UBS Save States

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    @Nightfire Oh I think I know what you mean. Doesn't that automatically turn on anyhow? I used to use it all the time, but found it easier to just use WinSCP since I could view all the files and roms.